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Re: New or old G behavior?

__/ [ Big Bill ] on Saturday 02 September 2006 20:46 \__

> On Sat, 02 Sep 2006 21:37:13 +0200, Borek
> <m.borkowski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hey! Same with viagra!

The concept of refined search is not new (it might be to Google, but their
experimental interfaces from last year appeared to have incoroporated this,
in part). I saw it back in 2002 or 2003... only in Webcrawler.

,----[ Quote ]
| UNTIL about 3 years ago I was using Webcrawler as my text and graphics
| search engine almost exclusively. Webcrawler offered some nice features,
| without a doubt. I can clearly recall suggestions for completion or
| extended/refined searches on the side of existing SERP?s. This assimilates
| to Google Suggest, which came about much later. In due time, Webcrawler
| also harvested results from Google, which made the results rather
| pleasing.


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