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Re: [News] 500 MHz AMD/Linux Computer Smaller Than a Matchbox

On or about 2006-09-02 Saturday 15:20, I did witness the following events
concerning ed:

> On Sat, 02 Sep 2006 15:11:28 +0100
> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Tiny computer module runs Linux on Geode LX800
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | CompuLab has introduced a 2.7 x 2.3-inch computer-on-module (COM)
>> based | on a 500MHz AMD Geode LX800 processor.
>> `----
>> http://www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS9996942590.html
>> (smaller than a matchbox if you consider depth)
> I so want one!
<ObSlash>Imagine a Beowulf cluster of these things...</ObSlash>

Actually, I could.
Let's see. I have a 24"x24"x65" rack (home built of decksian framing and
MDF). From the ground up, the bottom portion of the unit would be made up
of these nodes. I'd give it say, 100 nodes per layer to be generous, with
1" of headroom per layer. Go up to 50 layers, that's 5,000 nodes in 50".
Leaves me with 15" for storage (a few Terabytes there) and power (give it
what, a 6.5kW redundant stack and maybe a couple 800VA UPS bricks? That's
ten ATX power supplies). Still room to swing a cat. Building the cooling
system would be fun too - the simplest way would be to build ducting up the
back of the rack and have the (stacked) fans somewhere up top.

Surely a contender for the top500 right there?
I hereby testify that the above statement is an accurate recollection of the
events mentioned therein.
Registered Linux user #426308 -*- http://counter.li.org

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