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Re: Windows Attacks on the Rise

begin  oe_protect.scr 
Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> __/ [ Bruce Scott TOK ] on Friday 01 September 2006 12:34 \__
>>>> http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6111583.html
>>>"If a PC is hijacked, SANS Internet Storm Center recommends completely
>>>erasing the hard drive and reinstalling the computer's operating system.
>>>"That sounds drastic...but it gets rid of the worm, gets rid of the botnet,
>>>and plus you have a brand new box," according to the ISC."
>> Then it's time to install Linux.  Pick a few live CDs, try them out, and
>> stick to the one you like best.
> There are Live CD's/DVD's that contain several distros, as well. And while
> it's possible to install many of them on separate partitions, a distribution
> like SUSE comes with so many options (well tested and integrated), so all
> one has to do is install and then make some choices.
> Misinformed articles like the one above leave people under this illusion that
> you can only ever replace crap with crap. Why not mention a /real/ solution?
> OS X is not an option on that same hardware.

For a lot of people, the reinstall is probably their most familiar option,
as most windows users I know have been reinstalling their machines for
many years, and are unsurprised at the need to do it.

As you say, highlighting some alternatives wouldn't do any harm, but I
wonder what commercial interests many of the so-called "security"
experts have in the status quo?  How many experts will no longer be
either expert or even required should windows no longer be about in
numbers, replaced with Linux, OSX, perhaps other secure operating

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk  |
Vail's Second Axiom:
	The amount of work to be done increases in proportion to the
	amount of work already completed.

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