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[News] Windows Site Explains Why .NET Will Mark the End of Microsoft Windows

.NET will be the downfall of Microsoft Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| This seems minor. But the effect is mathematical. Lets say a .NET
| version takes 5 seconds longer to load. If you have 20 .NET processes
| loading at startup it means Windows will take 100 seconds longer to
| finish than the equivalent processes under Mac OS X. This means from
| this point on Windows will always be at a competitive speed and
| memory disadvantage when compared to OS X, or even Linux.
| [...]
| I bet if I loaded Linux on this thing I would find the exact same to
| be true. So you see. It has already started. Little ole me - Microsoft
| fan boy - switched simply because the pain of Windows churn (.NET
| induced I theorize) was so great it forced me to something else.
| That pain will cost Microsoft.



,----[ Quote ]
| Look at the wishlist which de Icaza mentioned in the interview - he
| wants a technical deal between Mono and .NET and wants Microsoft to
| recommend Mono to developers looking at migration. Sure. A company
| which is trying to push its own operating systems into every possible
| nook and corner, and facing some resistance from Linux, is definitely
| going to be inclined to recommend something that will take people away
| from its own O-S and help them move to one with which it is doing
| battle. Excellent logic there, Miguel! These crackpot arguments are
| exactly why I think there is something much more sinister in the
| Novell-Microsoft deal, something that is intimately connected with
| Mono. It is high time that the whole story was told.


Developers Embrace Java, Drop Visual Basic 

,----[ Quote ]
| Use of Visual Basic has dropped 35% since the spring, says a
| poll of more than 430 North American developers done by research
| company Evans Data.
| [...]
| Developers have abandoned Microsoft's Visual Basic in droves
| during the last six months, and they're using Java more than any
| other development language, according to a recently published
| survey. 


Study: Developers Favor Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| "Regardless of what kind of developer you are, you're still trying to
| make a living, and target the operating system that?s controlling the
| market."
| However, in the most recent survey, the developers' forecast of their
| target platform has changed. For the first time, these developers said
| that in the next 12 to 18 months they expect to be developing more Linux
| apps than Windows apps. 


TIOBE Programming Community Index for November 2006

,----[ Quote ]
| Java           20.400%  
| C              17.198%         
| C++            11.055%         
| (Visual) Basic 9.470%  
| PHP            9.209%  
| Perl           6.228%  
| Python         3.641%  
| C#             3.023%  
| JavaScript     2.310%  
| Delphi         2.252%  
| SAS            2.210%  
| Ruby           1.717%  
| PL/SQL         1.223%  
| D              0.684%  
| ABAP           0.637%  
| Lisp/Scheme    0.586% 
| COBOL          0.564%  
| Ada            0.546%  
| Pascal         0.516%  
| Visual FoxPro  0.431% 


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