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Re: [News] Apple Suspected of 'Censoring' YouTube

Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I think the grand goal is to deprive people from entertainment, thereby
> forcing them to go out and buy some. That's what shutting down Internet
> radio (by elevating royalties through lobbying) is all about. In their view,
> in order to survive, people mustn't entertain one another for free. How long
> before everyone get charged to visit the mall? The land of nothing for free.

This is exactly what I hate about our current 'intellectual property'
system.  I have no problem with content owners protecting their
copyrights.  I have no problem with paying for content I really want
access to.  It really burns me, however, when the big content providers
trample all over legitimate venues for independent content and try
to usurp fair use, all in the supposed name of protecting their IP.
Their motives obviously go deeper than that; they want to continue to
control the distribution channels.  The Internet is a threat to them.


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