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Re: [News] Ubuntu Linux (Dell's Platform of Choice) Gets Purple; New Switchers from Windows

BearItAll <spam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Life without Windows
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Ubuntu, a user-friendly version of Linux, has been running so nicely
>> | on my home PC that I decided to do an experiment. I wrote down a list
>> | of tasks I normally do with Windows XP and decided to see how many of
>> | them I could do on Linux.
>> `----
>> http://ubuntusecrets.blogsome.com/2007/04/19/life-without-windows/
> Hate to be picky, but his list of things to do with a computer is very
> predictable and not very realistic, actually what first sprung to mind was
> that it was all a bit pussy (sorry, subconcious has a mind of it's own).
>         Write text
>         Browse web
>         Get unspecified software, presumably random selection.
>         Download
>         Play music and video
>         Burn CDs
>         Print
> If Linux wasn't able to do those things on his list many years ago I
> wouldn't have been able to use it. You can even chuck out the GUI and still
> do everything on his List in fact. Also, MS Win can do those things too
> (except Vista, obviously).
> So really I'd say this man's text did nothing at all to persuade people that
> moving to Linux was worth the effort. 

I'm not so sure that most people have the same very lucid view of what
they really use computers for.  I would add that for most female
teenagers I've see, that they would also have an Instant Messenger and
email option on there as well, and might want to support a webcam or
camera.  Younger males would probably want to play games.

> Cost of Linux isn't an issue for most, because they presumably have already
> paid for their machine and the software on it. 
> All that really matters are the things not on his list. The extra software
> that the user bought for their MS Win (not Vista, obviously), have I got a
> {fill in favourite app} alternative on Linux.

For most home users, there isn't a great deal.

> In short it's like buying a car, you assume that they is an engine and a
> seat and a place to put the bag of maltteezers to stop them spilling out
> the bag while you zip round a roundabout.. So it is the extras that sell it
> to you.
> Of cause we know they are different engines and different seat etc, but many
> a user Linux attracts wont give a monkeys what is under the bonnet.

Indeed they wouldn't understand if you told them, in most cases, at
least, they wouldn't understand the significance.

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk          |
| Cola faq:  http://www.faqs.org/faqs/linux/advocacy/faq-and-primer/   |
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