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Re: [News] Does the $100 Laptop Mark a Revolution for Children?

On Thu, 19 Apr 2007 01:02:49 +0200, p5000011 <p5000011@xxxxxxxxx>

>The banal John Locke scribbled:
>> If they will teach basic computer programming, hardware
>> funadmentals, etc. etc........then it might be.
>Due to lack of context it isn't possible to know which part of Roy's
>post you are referring to.
>The purpose of the OLPC is not focused on what you wrote above. It is
>to enable poor kids in countries that lack the infrastructure to
>provide basic education needs. The Internet is an incredible education
>resource if used properly. The OLPC at least is an opportunity for
>millions of poor kids worldwide to have a chance of a decent
>education. It will of course enable those interested to learn the
>things you mention but I think that is a very low priority for most of
>the targeted kids.
>I would really like to have one for my kids as it looks really cool as
I think the program is well intended, however, my main concern would
be the lack of electricity. How would they charge the battery and
connect to the Internet ? I've traveled extensively in Cambodia to
deliver supplies to impoverished rural schools and I have never seen
one with power.


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