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Re: [News] Microsoft Tries Forcing Move to a Windows-only World Wide Web

__/ [ Mark Kent ] on Wednesday 18 April 2007 17:37 \__

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> __/ [ Roy Schestowitz ] on Wednesday 18 April 2007 03:15 \__
>>> Microsoft Releases Media Player for Firefox
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | The plug-in, available on Firefox's add-on site, is compatible with
>>> | the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the XP SP2 and Vista OSes.
>>> `----
>>> http://news.yahoo.com/s/pcworld/20070417/tc_pcworld/130816
>>> They want to encourage content providers to spread Windows Media Player
>>> and its proprietary codecs all over the Web.
>>> Microsoft's Silverlight Promises to Disrupt Linux Web Users
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | Just as it seemed that Linux users (especially 64-bit users) would
>>> | finally be able to enjoy streaming content with a minimum of
>>> | hassle, Microsoft's new Silverlight software promises to throw a
>>> | wrench in the works. Because of sites like Google Video and
>>> | Youtube, Flash video has become a common means of streaming
>>> | multimedia over the Internet.
>>> `----
>>> http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry1418.html
>> More on the first:
>> "The plug-in itself, according to Colin Teubner, an analyst at Forrester
>> Research, is not open source. "I think most people in the open source
>> community will see this as a pro-WMP move, not a pro-Firefox or pro open
>> source move by Microsoft," he told LinuxInsider. Microsoft, Teubner
>> speculated, has evidently decided that market dominance of WMP is not
>> enough to drive market dominance of Internet Explorer , previously the
>> only browser with embedded WMP. Therefore, to keep WMP as the dominant
>> media format for the Web, where it is threatened by Adobe Flash-based
>> video, Microsoft needs to make sure WMP is not limited to just Internet
>> Explorer."
>> So a seemingly move to 'open' platforms turns out to be a double-play
>> intended to snub and eliminate Linux (and Mac?) users lock them out of
>> services/site. Antitrust? Haaalllllooooo........!
> Well observed remarks, in my view.  It does indicate that Microsoft have
> thrown in the towel regarding IE, for the time being, though.  This is
> probably the first of many retreats which we will see Microsoft make on
> the Windows platform.  Of course, having made room for Firefox, will
> they have to make room for Flash video soon, too?  What would really
> help would be if there were an open alternative to Flash, though.

There are at least two open source implementations of Flash. swfdec and gnash
(not sure about the name of the first). The former plays Flash 7 videos from
YouTube just fine. The last time I checked, gnash had good overall
compatibility with Flash 7 as well. With Flash 8, Adobe with their so-called
'Open'/standardised Flash added a proprietary codec (royalties), which was

                ~~ With kind regards

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Previous signature has been conceded
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