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Re: Only Microsoft ...

__/ [ John Locke ] on Tuesday 17 April 2007 05:02 \__

> On Tue, 17 Apr 2007 01:15:50 +0200, p5000011 <p5000011@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>>can produce such crap as this. Spotted on m.p.w.v.g (top posting
>>| > I am using Vista Home Enhanced
>>| > When I try to acess user\send to folder , it's denied.
>>| >
>>| > There are some dialog boxes , and when I select a user ( I am
>>| > the only one ) , all the read /write/modify etc are checked .
>>| >
>>| > Vista's help, tells I have to take onwership of this folder,
>>| > but there is no place where I can check the ownership.
>>| >
>>| > Is this a limitation of Vista Home ? Did I miss anything ?
>>| > In case it's a limitation , are there any power toys utilities
>>| > compatible with vista ? ( or something like it )
>>| It's because that is not a folder but a pointer, the real SendTo
>>| folder is here:
>>| C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo
>>| There are many pointers in the User folder that are used to redirect
>>| programs that expect certain folders to be someplace they are
>>| not. They look like folders with a shortcut arrow. You can't access
>>| them as they are not really folders, just an icon for an redirect to
>>| the new location.
>>I don't know whether to laugh or weep.
> Install the distro of your choice and your troubles will melt away.
> http://distrowatch.com/

Sometimes I think that we are very likely that Gates at al deviated from the
UNIX way. With so many employees, they could be unbeatable in technical
terms. But they blew it and now they are too deep in the mud.

Another thing I thought about earlier (rather arbitrary and unrelated) is
this: by making it easy to pirate Windows (and currently refusing to patch
the OEM crack for activation), Microsoft can argue that any PC which is sold
without Windows will have pirate Windows. They use this as an excuse to
force prebundling of Windows in an age when people have hundreds of distros
to choose from (and therefore, what they call a 'naked PC' would be just
fine. It just needs to be Linux ready, or not Linux hostile). Apple does its
own thing, so it's not part of this equation at all.

                ~~ With kind regards

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