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Re: [News] Linux Rises in the Age of Decaying Vista

In article <1459238.j3tXxzSEOu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, 
newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx says...
> __/ [ flyer ] on Sunday 15 April 2007 11:45 \__
> > In article <4563394.xUj26bga3Q@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
> > newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx says...
> >> COMPUTER CORNER: The rise of Linux in the era of Windows Vista
> >> 
> >> ,----[ Quote ]
> >> | New versions of Linux are becoming very user-friendly and very fast
> >> | with very large online communities to help.
> >> `----
> >> 
> >>
> http://www.thepaper24-7.com/main.asp?SectionID=23&SubSectionID=22&ArticleID=9390&TM=23061.97
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Yesterday:
> >> 
> >> The Linux Desktop: Boom Or Bust?
> >> 
> >> ,----[ Quote ]
> >> | Ironically for Microsoft, Vista is just the shot in the arm that
> >> | desktop systems with open-source Linux operating systems needed to
> >> | boost their sales. At least that's the way solution providers see it.
> >> `----
> >> 
> >> http://www.crn.com/software/199000630
> >> 
> > 
> > This is the Year Of Linux -- So PROVED via your avalanche of adoption
> > news.
> > 
> > The DOT, DOD, and so many others are dumping winblows at a rate steady
> > enough now to set clocks by.
> > 
> > Some waffle heads don't agree, but then who listens to waffle heads
> > anyway. The evidence doth mount terribly to the demise of the great
> > plague of Redmond Washington.
> Earlier today at the gym, a friend of mine told me that his friends (not just
> one friend) tell him that Linux is better than Windows. He does not use
> Linux, but I would like to know who his friends are. They are not in high
> tech, so this observation is very noteworthy.


Though not in high tech, per se, they could easily still be quite into 
computing at some fairly decent level. Smart people running around.

I do small custom remodelling for a living. But I love computers and 
tight programs.

I think the word is getting out about MS lies and crimes, and then Linux 
is so darn clean, lean, and mean, it can't be ignored. It's really an 
amazing developement to have sprung up.

Speculation on my part about his friends. Also, just using a laptop can 
get one pretty close to being in high tech. Sorta.

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