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[News] Microsoft Pulls a Microsoft, a Wintel, a Bush on User (Deletes E-mails)

Hotmail deleted my account 

,----[ Quote ]
| I can reactivate the account if I choose, but the ten years'
| worth of messages I had stored in there are gone forever.
| Who do they think I am George Bush?
| Thanks Microsoft.


Bush team deletes embarrassing emails 

,----[ Quote ]
| According to the Washington Post, countless e-mails to and from
| many key White House staffers have been deleted to avoid
| congressional subpoenas.



Vista: What To Do When You Cannot Delete a Message in Windows Mail

,----[ Quote ]
| A number of users are experiencing problems with Windows Mail and
| deleting messages from the Inbox and Outbox. The message will first
| become unviewable in the reading pane and will then generate an
| error when you try to delete it.


Microsoft looking into Hotmail, Messenger problems

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft engineers were looking into problems with Windows Live
| Hotmail and Live Messenger on Thursday after users reported
| problems getting onto the services.


Microsoft shipped OneCare unfinished?

,----[ Quote ]
| Since shipping in May, OneCare has failed industry tests and exposed
| users to attack because of a security flaw in the antivirus engine.
| The application also incorrectly flagged Gmail as a virus and in some
| cases quarantined or even deleted complete in-boxes when a single
| e-mail was laden with a virus. 


Intel's anti-trust memos started vanishing from the top

,----[ Quote ]
| Chairman Craig Barrett, CEO Paul Otellini and sales chief Sean Maloney
| have appeared on a list of Intel employees thought to have deleted 
| e-mails possibly relevant to AMD's anti-trust lawsuit against its
| larger rival. The missing e-mails have thrust a livid state of mind
| onto AMD's lawyers who have very serious problems with Intel's
| rather lax document retention policy.
| [...]
| CEO Otellini appears to have been one of these troublesome employees.


U.S. judge orders Intel to try to recover e-mails

,----[ Quote ]
| Farnan gave Intel 30 days to recover as many of the missing e-mails
| as possible and to draw up a report on the steps it is taking to do
| so, Mulloy said.


AMD: Intel Destroyed Evidence in Antitrust Case

,----[ Quote ]
| In an unpublished statement to the U.S. District Court of Delaware,
| AMD alleges Intel allowed the destruction of evidence in pending
| antitrust litigation.


Microsoft dirty tricks, part two (Bob Cringely)

,----[ Quote ]
| "So the outside vendor was Hewlett-Packard, one of Microsoft's
| hardware OEMs, which is to say Microsoft's bitch.
| The tape disappearance was blamed on HP, which  accepted the blame,
| and the employees directly involved kept expecting there to be
| repurcussions, especially legal ones.  They expected to be deposed by
| Burst lawyers.  But it never happened.
| This was, for Microsoft, a perfect ending. ..."


'---[ Quote ]
| In May 2004, Judge J. Frederick Motz ordered Microsoft to
| investigate Burst.com's claim that, in 2000, Allchin ordered
| Microsoft employees to destroy email after 30 days and not to
| archive their email, suggesting that this deletion policy
| might be an effort to eliminate material that would later be
| damaging in court. This case was settled out of court in March
| 2005, with Microsoft agreeing to pay Burst.com $60 million
| for nonexclusive rights to Burst.com's media player software.


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