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Re: [News] Microsoft pressures testers after software leak

__/ [ John Locke ] on Saturday 14 April 2007 05:31 \__

>>| >| By the way, just to make sure I got my facts 100% right, I checked
>>| again this morning in their archives for that article.
>>| And, indeed, it is the only one missing in a long series of articles
>>| recently published by that author.
>>| Definitely sounds fishy.
> When you have boat loads of money, you can get away with just about
> anything including suppression of information...for awhile.
>  In the end, Microsoft's unethical behavior will be their undoing.
> On April 19th, Feisty final will be released. I wonder if there will
> be any kind of news coverage? This is a pretty significant
> release. The Ubuntu project has the potential to alter Microsoft's
> grip on the home user and change the whole landscape of home
> computer use for many years to come.

It seems likely that Dell will sell Ubuntu PCs (desktops and laptops), based
on a reputable source.

,----[ Quote ]
| Dell does sell some workstations with Red Hat Linux already installed;
| but CEO Michael Dell indicated recently that the company has been
| reluctant to back any particular variety of Linux for the desktop.
| In an interview with the Web site DesktopLinux.com in March, he
| indicated that the Ubuntu version has lately been the most popular
| choices of its users seeking to use Linux.


Dell is the first among the major internetional OEMs to do this. It's the
only one that has it confirmed, but other /do/ evaluate their options with
Linux. The XP death knell (2008), which is news, will definitely lead them
to making up their mind faster. I'm still waiting for H-P to make a formal
announcement. It's probably inevitable.

By the way, Dell has good relations with Red Hat because of servers (I think
Google buys RHEL servers from Dell). It's no coicidence that Red Hat
recently said it would also focus on the desktop (not just Fedora). They
can't let Canonical steal the show. IDC (Microsoft puppet, because their
studies depends on who's paying) predicts big growth for Linux, so there are
many billions at stake.

                ~~ With kind regards

Roy S. Schestowitz     | Kernel panic - more exciting than being /.'ted
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