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[News] Playstation 3 Goes for Supercomputing; Linux Exec Comes to Linux-adopting Silicon Graphics

Sony Studies Commercial PlayStation 3 Supercomputing Grid

,----[ Quote ]
| With an estimated 6 million PlayStation 3s sold, it's little wonder
| that pharmaceutical companies, medical startups, and other businesses
| would be hot to chat with Sony about building a supercomputing grid
| that they could tap into.


SGI alum returns as chief executive

,----[ Quoye ]
| Ewald previously was chairman and CEO of competitor Linux 
| Networx, but earlier in his career was SGI's chief operating officer.


Like many proprietary vendors, SGI has chosen the Linux way. Sun, Motorola,
Palm, maybe even Nokia...


Cure@PS3 Performance Update

,----[ Quote ]
| Not even a full day after the release of the Folding@Home
| client for the Playstation 3, the total computing power of
| a mere 6,860 Playstation 3 systems has surpassed that of
| a vast 158,806 Windows computers!


PS3 Real-time Ray-tracing

,----[ Quote ]
| IBM Interactive Ray-tracer (iRT) using three Sony Playstation3s (PS3)
| to render a model that is 75x more complex then those used in
| today's games.


PS3 Yellow Dog Linux Install Videos

,----[ Quote ]
| Due to the demand on the PS3 forums I am making some install videos of
| Yellow Dog Linux. Sorry about the slightly shaky footage, since I was
| installing and holding the camera at the same time.


PS3 Bests Wii And Xbox 360 In Play Pre-Orders

,----[ Quote ]
| "PS3 News is reporting that PS3 pre-orders are fifteen times more than Wii,
| while Xbox 360 trails by a six to one margin."


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