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Re: [News] The "Fake Steve Jobs" Blogger Busted, Turns Out to Be Forbes' Microsoft Shill (Dan Lyons)

Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> ____/ 7 on Monday 06 August 2007 22:16 : \____
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> "Fake Steve Jobs" is Daniel Lyons, in case anyone wants to sue
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | Maybe we should be, since this is the man who wrote about the "evils" of
>>> | anonymous blogging in  "Attack of the Blogs", where he said that blogs
>>> | are ?the prized platform of an online lynch mob spouting liberty but
>>> | spewing lies, libel and invective.?
>>> | 
>>> | Um. Dude. Talk about world class hypocrisy.
>>> `----
>>> http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20070805195515884
>> There are *NO* real Micoshaft Corporation supporters out there.
>> All the dum dums that come out in support for Micoshaft are fully
>> paid up bum boys willing able and and ready to be rent boys
>> for Micoshaft Corporation.
>> And when they get discovered, the big roar of laughter goes out again.
>> How many more I wonder.
> I wonder if somebody will sue. If you know Daniel Lyons and his history (never
> mind his anti-Linus posts in this blog), then there's a strong case. The guy
> is an Editor at Forbes, mind you (not very active recently), and the agenda of
> that publication shows. Lyons, much like Forbes, is nothing but a Microsoft
> shill (and probably a shill for other corporate agandae).

I think it does illustrate something which has become very clear here
over the last year or so during which we've been having News postings
and Digests, that Forbes are very very much pro-Microsoft.

The News and Digests have thrown up all kinds of interesting trends,
once the information is gathered together and shown in the right way.
Clearly, a lot of corporate interests have been relying on hiding these
kinds of things, or relying on the news 'dieing down', but it doesn't
need to, if interested people are willing to keep the flag flying.

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk          |
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