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Re: [News] Patent Trolls Tries to Kill PS3, XBox360 Adjusting Price to Survive

____/ spike1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx on Thursday 02 August 2007 08:31 : \____

> Mike <i@xxxxxxxxxx> did eloquently scribble:
>> The title you give this post justifies how much of a troll you are.
> And just what is wrong with the title?
> This "PPC" company is trying to force sony to destroy ALL PS3s. It's a
> feckin stupid demand. Totally unreasonable and no court in any land should
> uphold it.
> The point of patents is to allow other people access to your technology for
> a price. SO they should demand licensing fees. NOT demand destruction of the
> offending product.

What I actually had in mind was the fact that they waited and waited to
increase the scale of the damage (PR or otherwise). Remember MP3?

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Holey (sic) Cow! Longhorn is full of holes...
http://Schestowitz.com  |  Open Prospects   |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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