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[News] Conspriacy Theory: Oracle Mimics Red Hat to Defend GNU/Linux

  • Subject: [News] Conspriacy Theory: Oracle Mimics Red Hat to Defend GNU/Linux
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2007 06:11:44 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
The Oracle Anti Patent-Threat Conspiracy

,----[ Quote ]
| Now with the SCO vs. Novell case coming to a close and with the continued 
| threats spewed by Microsoft about patent violations against the Linux  
| community after the Novell deal, I’m left wondering if it can be, that Red 
| Hat and its partners got wind of the emerging deal between Novell and 
| Microsoft, which after all took month to accomplish. Can it be, that Oracle 
| scrambled to Red Hat’s help, by producing effectively the same product? 
| Because if Microsoft would sue Red Hat, they would be suing also Oracle which 
| distributes the very same product!? Or at least Oracle would have good 
| reasons to defend Red Hat. Was this a warning sign to Microsoft? At least it 
| would explain, why the database giant started its own RHEL clone...        


Peer-to-Patent pilot steers toward change

,----[ Quote ]
| Currently there are nine patent applications up on the project's Web site. In 
| the first two weeks of the project, the project signed up 1,000 active 
| contributors, according to Noveck. The largest volume of discussion, however, 
| seems to be taking place on Groklaw. Noveck welcomes other communities to get 
| involved, talk about the applications, do research, and share information 
| with the USPTO through Peer-to-Patent.     



,----[ Quote ]
| You'll often hear members of our open source team say, "Every
| time you use Google, you're using Linux." It's absolutely true. Check
| a Google engineer's workstation, and you'll probably find it's running
| Linux. Do a search on Google.com, and a Linux server will return your
| results. Ever since Google got its start, Linux has given us the power
| and flexibility we need to serve millions of users around the world.
| In turn, we feel a strong responsibility to the Linux community, and
| we're always looking for creative ways to put our resources in the
| hands of Linux developers. That's why today we became a licensee of
| the Open Invention Network (OIN), an innovative patent-sharing
| organization founded to create a legally protected environment for
| anyone who works with Linux.
| The concept behind OIN is simple. All OIN licensees, including
| participants such as IBM, Oracle, NEC and Sony, agree to cross-license
| their Linux-related patents to the others free of charge. Patent
| issues therefore become a much smaller concern inside the community,
| and OIN members can focus their energy on writing and releasing
| software rather than vetting their code for intellectual property
| issues. It's the legal equivalent of taking a long, deep breath.


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