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Re: CEOs: Anlysts Like IDC and Gartner Are Jokes, Microsoft Puppets, Anti-Linux

On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 20:44:56 +0000, Roy Schestowitz
<newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>My dad told me the same thing a few years ago. In my eyes, analysts remain some
>of the worst scumbags in the sense that they are paid to pass on corporate
>messages and pretend that there is some real independent assessment behind

So you are a chip off the old block, hey Roy?

Your dad is correct BTW.

Read Motor Trend, Car and Driver, Sound on Sound etc.
Ever read a truly horrible review of a product in those rags?

Ever notice that these same companies that are being reviewed also
have nice big advertisements in those magazines?

And before someone starts the Consumer Reports being fair thread, they
are not either although for a different reason. Their testing
methodology is in some cases seriously flawed. Testing loudspeakers in
an anechoic chamber and assigning a number based upon flatness of
frequency response is just one example. Consumer loudspeakers are
designed to work in conjunction with a typical living room to get good
The net is full of examples of CR's bias.
I digress however....

>I've had analysts attacking me in comments and also by E-mail, but it's them
>who end up with an egg in the face. Who would sponsor independent research?

Nothing is truly independent.

>Even universities seems to have gotten corrupted in this way (a recent example
>involves Microsoft paying an academic for anti-GPLv3 research, but very
>quietly). Always, always, always follow the money... people don't /buy/
>whitepapers until it's something that sells (and often paid for).

Grants, grants and more grants....
Follow the money.....

>The analysts then pass on data to journalists who are associated with a sponsor
>as well (the Gates Foundation has holdings), so here you have a nice circus
>where $company pays sockpuppets like IDC to show that, _based on some measure
>X_,  $company is the best in the world. Then, $media_company, which is
>sponsored in some way by $company, will takes the IDC study sponsored by
>$company and bring it to the public's attention.  It's brainwash. It's

You're going off your tracks again Roy.
You were doing ok up until this point.

>I suspect Novell had one puppet in USB at the moment.
>I hope you've had the chance to read the PDF in the OP (if you haven't seen it

Loosen your tinfoil hat straps.

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