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[News] Greater Availability of BSD and Linux in Vietnam, NetBSD Brags Improvements

  • Subject: [News] Greater Availability of BSD and Linux in Vietnam, NetBSD Brags Improvements
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2007 06:27:39 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
PC-BSD added to Vietnam BSD/Linux Mirror

,----[ Quote ]
| The Saigon Linux Group (SLG) added PC-BSD to the Vietnam BSD/Linux Mirror in 
| it’s continuing effort to promote and support open source technology in 
| Vietnam.  


NetBSD 4: A Force to Be Reckoned With?  

,----[ Quote ]
| "It's hard to point out a single aspect -- there have been so many 
| improvements," NetBSD developer Geert Hendrickx told InternetNews.com. 


Related (just days ago):

Students using PCLinuxOS in Vietnam

,----[ Quote ]
| Finally, I decided to test PCLinuxOS with my students. Wow, amazing. Finally 
| a Linux distro that the majority of my students actually liked using. It ran 
| faster than any of the other Linux distros they tried and easily connected to 
| the internet from inside the school (they like to read Yahoo 360 blogs in 
| class). They figured out how to use Konquerer to browse around the different 
| directories in their laptops without me even telling them. As with Macbooks, 
| the Desktop GUI was easy to learn. Thus, I decided to use PCLinuxOS.      



Intel's OLPC-killer heads for Vietnamese retailers

,----[ Quote ]
| The "Hacao Classmate PC" is based on Intel's Classmate PC design, and will 
| come pre-installed with Hacao Linux, a Vietnamese-language Linux distribution 
| based on Puppy Linux.   
`----      ^^^^^^^^^^^


Vietnam Plans to Switch to Open-Source 

,----[ Quote
| The efforts made by Microsoft to reduce software piracy in Vietnam, where an 
| industry group has estimated more than 90% of all software is counterfeit 
| were useless. The applications got sold as cheap as $2 per CD. 
| The Communist Party has announced that it will replace Microsoft Office with 
| the free software product OpenOffice, to avoid breaching the law or paying a 
| lot of money per licensed program. The council that took the decision met on 
| Thursday, October 10, to decide how they will choose the open source 
| programs.    


[Vietnam] Council considers IT needed software


Opportunities for open source software in Vietnam


FOSS Bridge pairs companies in EU and Vietnam


Vietnam to begin working on free software


Vietnam Switches to OpenOffice.org!


Vietnam joins hands with EU to develop open software


F/OSS Business Models Forum in Hanoi, Vietnam


Vietsoftware join forces with Asianux


Hacao Linux 2.16 Professional released


Sun shares its technology with Vietnam's open source community


State [Vietnam] promotes use of shareware


Vietnam gives priority to open source software


Open-source software offers affordable option


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