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[News] GNU/Linux Gives More Opportunities in Africa

  • Subject: [News] GNU/Linux Gives More Opportunities in Africa
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 04:06:41 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Kenya: Poor Countries Must Not Be Left Behind in Technological Growth

,----[ Quote ]
| When it comes to software, Linux and other free open-source products like 
| Ubuntu give users who cannot afford licensed software the chance to use 
| technology.  


Speaking of which, this has shown up in the MSBBC:

How next billion will shape net

,----[ Quote ]
| The operating systems and software installed on those machines may also be 
| different. Microsoft and Apple may have been the preferred choice for most of 
| the first billion, but the next billion is far more likely to use open source 
| software alternatives that are free and offer the chance for local 
| customisation.     


Vista will never ever cope with low-end PCs.


Africa: 'Microsoft is Imperialistic' Says Open Source Advocates

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft Corporation's products have been locked out of the
| on-going World Social Forum (WSF) in Nairobi Kenya.
| With over 300 computers provided for participants and the press,
| organizers of the WSF have preferred to provide open source
| software products and blocked all Microsoft related products for
| the forum's usage and its related activities.
| [...]
| Activists at the forum also believe that since Microsoft is a
| corporate brand from the United States of America, a country
| they believe has intentions of maintaining the status quo of
| a unipolar world over which it is above international law and
| the UN, the brand should be locked out.
| [...]
| "The open source movement is providing Linux, a robust free
| software. Everybody owns it and it can be shared. And this
| is what WSF is all about - a free society, a movement
| fighting for ownership of free resources" he adds.


Microsoft selling hobbled software to poor countries

,----[ Quote ]
| Surprisingly, no-one seems to have told Microsoft that it is not good
| marketing strategy to treat your customers as if they are stupid. Which
| is exactly what the company is doing with the release in Africa of the
| stripped-down operating system it calls Windows XP Starter Edition.
| Microsoft South Africa launched Windows XP Starter Edition (XPSE) into
| the African market last week with very little fanfare and market hype.
| Which is not surprising considering how the product was received by other
| media on its intial launch in 2004. Known for its straight talking, The
| Register labelled XPSE "crippleware". Analysts Gartner said the product
| had "good intent, poor execution".


Microsoft expands Office ‘pay-as-you-go’ rental program

,----[ Quote ]
| Via the pay-as-you-go program, users can choose three- or six-month 
| subscriptions to Office Professional 2007 and pay a monthly fee to use the 
| product.  


Microsoft patent hints at pay-as-you-go OS

,----[ Quote ]
| A Microsoft patent application from June 2005, published only today,
| titled "System and method for delivery of a modular operating system"
| may signal a fundamental change for what an operating systems stands
| for and how it is sold.


Intel, Microsoft for Pay-As-You-Go PCs

,----[ Quote ]
| The pay-as-you-go model enabled by FlexGo makes PCs more accessible
| by reducing the initial cost and enabling customers to pay for
| computers through subscriptions or as they use them, through the
| purchase of prepaid activation cards or tokens.


,----[ Quote ]
| Want to write a Word document? Pay a few pennies. Want to download
| some digital photos? Pay a few more.
| Under the idea, which Microsoft is introducing this week, people would
| be able to get a PC for their home with a mechanism that charges them
| depending on how much computing they use. Consumers would pay for about
| half of the PC upfront and then, say, 50 cents or 75 cents per hour of
| use. After several hundred hours of paid use, they would then own the
| PC outright.


[Mandriva CEO:] An open letter to Steve Ballmer

,----[ Quote ]
| Wow! I’m impressed, Steve! What have you done for these guys to change their
| mind like this? It’s pretty clear to me, and it will be clear to everyone.
| How do you call what you just did Steve, in the place where you live? In my
| place, they give it various names, I’m sure you know them.  
| Hey Steve, how do you feel looking at yourself in the mirror in the morning?
| Of course, I will keep fighting this one and the next one, and the next one.
| You have the money, the power, and maybe we have a different sense of ethics
| you and I, but I believe that hard work, good technology and ethics can win
| too.  


Lessons from Africa: How to Kill Your Own FUD

,----[ Quote ]
| So, even as Microsoft claims superior quality over Linux, they act as if they 
| don't even buy their own FUD. If they really believed that Windows was 
| superior to Linux, they wouldn't have to bribe people with “marketing help” 
| to get them to choose Windows.   


Linux wins Nigerian school desktops back from Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| "We are sticking with that platform," said the official, who would not give
| his name.


Buy Microsoft, it's your patriotic duty

,----[ Quote ]
| That seemed to be the message at the London launch of Microsoft Vista,
| Office 2007 and Exchange 2007 on 30 November 2006. Gordon Frazer,
| Microsoft's UK managing director, devoted most his opening speech to
| a gallimaufry of statistics and quotations intended to show that
| buying these new offerings would somehow make Britain more competitive.


A Supercomputer For Africa

,----[ Quote ]
| The computer giant announced Tuesday it will donate one of its BlueGene/P 
| supercomputers to the Center for High Performance Computing in Cape Town, 
| South Africa. The computer will be hosted by the Meraka Institute, which will 
| lend it to universities and governments in need of its massive processing 
| abilities. The machine, which is capable of performing 14 trillion individual 
| calculations per second, is five times more powerful than the fastest 
| computer currently on the continent.      


Linux in more than 90% of top supercomputers

,----[ Quote ]
| Other operating systems, such as AIX (4.8%), Solaris (0.4%) and Mac OS X 
| (0.4%) make the list, but Linux is alone at the top, where it is used in 459 
| systems or 91.8% of the top supercomputer systems.  


Software Group Targets Small Business

,----[ Quote ]
| Enraged, CEO Sterling Ball vowed never to use Microsoft software again, even 
| if "we have to buy 10,000 abacuses." He shifted to open-source software, 
| which lacks such legal entanglements because its underlying code is freely 
| distributed.   


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