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Re: [News] Novell Shrinks Significantly After Microsoft Deal

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> More Novell layoffs in '08
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | More layoffs are expected next year at Novell Inc. after the Waltham,
> | Mass. software maker disclosed in a federal filing Thursday plans to
> | extend a restructuring effort in a two-year strategy to shore up
> | profitability.
> `----
> http://www.heraldextra.com/content/view/247987/
> Just like Linspire. Other companies should watch and learn what Microsoft
> does and what those stupid deals mean.

All those open source companies that do deals with micoshaft
are living on borrowed good will of the open source developer
community. The leaders of such projects tend to spliff a lot
and think they can do what they like, but as soon as they
do it and sell open open sourced software down the river,
they have lost all of the good will backing them. The open
source developers take their ideas and good will elsewhere
where they can find more freedom and fewer spliffing assholes to work with.

All those doing deals with micoshaft not only damage
their own products but their own futures as well.
Look at companies that have gone to the brink like
Mandriva that came back with the good will of the
developer community. Now look at all those
doing deals with micoshaft with few chances of making a
come back.

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