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Re: [News] Printer 'Pirate' Tax, Hard-drive Software Blocks So-called 'Pirates' (Everyone)

Johan Lindquist wrote:

> So anyway, it was like, 09:44 CET Dec 11 2007, you know? Oh, and, yeah,
> [H]omer was all like, "Dude,
>> Hadron, you have the brain of a fossilised pickled walnut, and
>> the moral integrity of Dr. Mengele. If you're not advocating
>> the destruction of a *charity* for the sake of what you call
>> "competition", you're denouncing everyone with media files and a
>> network connection as a "pirate". How you can even have the audacity
>> to breath and feed oxygen to what's left of your withered brain, is
>> a mystery, but the fact that you dare to commit your lunatic vitriol
>> into the public domain of this newsgroup, defies even the most basic
>> reasoning.
> Don't hold back now, tell us how you /really/ feel.

Well, I am certain that was the nice, friendly version
Tact, n.:
        The unsaid part of what you're thinking.

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