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Re: [News] Mainstream Press is Apathetic and Prejudiced Against GNU/Linux

Kier wrote:

> On Sun, 30 Dec 2007 15:59:37 +0100, Peter Köhlmann wrote:
>> Kier wrote:
>>> On Sun, 30 Dec 2007 15:04:33 +0100, Peter Köhlmann wrote:
>>>> Kier wrote:
>>>>> On Sun, 30 Dec 2007 05:56:11 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>>>> The sales figures from Asus were limited by production capacity. If I
>>>>>> recall correctly, 5 million units were expected to sell next year.
>>>>>> These forecasts were changed and the numbers elevated significantly
>>>>>> just before Xmas (I'll fetch the references if you want). Asus
>>>>>> insists that it can dominate 20% of the laptops market and the Eee PC
>>>>>> is bound to become its second most important product. Vista won't run
>>>>>> on the Eee PC any time soon (with reasonable performance and real
>>>>>> attraction).
>>>>>> Don't let Timmy and the Microsoft apologist downplay the significance
>>>>>> of this. They will try very hard.
>>>>> Why don't you stop calling him 'Timmy' and an MS apologist, when he's
>>>>> neither.
>>>> But he *is* a MS apologist
>>> I don't think he is. Just not fervently anti-MS.
>> Strange then that he defends the astroturfers and trolls constantly
>> Strange then that he constantly attacks linux advocates, with completely
>> whacko "arguments" often enough
> He may question their arguments, that's what discussion groups are for,
> surely. 

No. They are for "discussion". Tim "Hadron" does not do "discussion" very
often. Especially not with "advocates". Only with "real advocates"

> If he's wrong, shoot him down. But he isn't always wrong. 

He is not right very often, too
>>>>> And I haven't heard him denigrate the EeePC at all.
>>>> Oh, he did not call Osama a hero, too
>>> That's not a sensible argument, Peter. Saying nothing, either for or
>>> against something, does not indicate anything except that the poster has
>>> no comment to make.
>> Tell Tim "Hadron" "Funkenbusch" that. *He* is trying to imply those
>> things about me in the ubuntu group, feverishly defending Hadron Quark
> Really? When?

Today. And yesterday.
>>> And why drag someone like Osama bin Laden into this?
>> Because that is another matter he said nothing about, like the EeePC for
>> example?
> Obviously. But it's a false argument.

Tell Tim "Hadron" that. He is using that argumentation 
>>> You haven't heard me speak against him either - that doesn't mean I
>>> think he's a hero.
>> Reading comprehension 101 failed?
> No. Not speaking against something does not imply support.

Right. Again, tell Tim "Hadron" Smith that. He certainly does not know
Windows was created to keep stupid people away from UNIX."
  -- Tom Christiansen

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