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[News] Petition Launched to Request Better Linux Drivers from ATI

ATI Petition for Adequate Drivers in Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| This petition is aimed at the designers at ATI who for whatever
| reason choose not to acknowledge our pleas and specifically at ATI
| as a company. The signers of this petition will no longer purchase
| ATI products until ATI make a workable 3D accelerated 64-bit driver
| for Linux and a 32-bit that utilizes the full potential of the
| Raedon chips. 



Is The ATI Driver Really "Evil"?

,----[ Quote ]
| Truthfully, AMD/ATI's Linux support is not poor. Their goals may not
| align with users wanting to run Beryl or Compiz, but they continue
| to provide monthly updated drivers.


Coming Soon: Catalyst Control Center - Linux Edition

,----[ Quote ]
| Well, I have to bring you an exciting news: Catalyst Control
| Center - Linux Edition is coming soon. The Windows version of
| it has been redone and a Linux version of it is coming soon.
| Maybe in february, maybe later this year.


Free Linux Driver Development!

,----[ Quote ]
| Yes, that's right, the Linux kernel community is offering all
| companies free Linux driver development. No longer do you have
| to suffer through all of the different examples in the Linux
| Device Driver Kit, or pick through the thousands of example
| drivers in the Linux kernel source tree trying to determine
| which one is the closest to what you need to do.


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