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Re: The "55-GBPound Linux Laptops" to be Available to the Public!

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> 486box on Wednesday_
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> Public can purchase $100 laptop
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | The backers of the One Laptop Per Child project plan to
>>> | release the machine on general sale next year.
>>> `----
>>> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/6246989.stm
>> Cool. Might get one used, since they seem like they would be nice as
>> 'disposable' laptops, that is, 'Don't worry if you lose one, they're
>> not expensive and I can just pick up another.' Maybe a server too,
>> since they're really-low-power.
> These could prove rather appealing to campers/ramblers who can crank these
> up rather than buy and carry many batteries. Think about people who travel
> in the wild for days or weeks. It can be used as a music player, too.
> Difficult to damage and it endures falls, bright sunlight, etc.

I am sure it would be handy.  It almost reminds me of the kind of stuff one
may later see in an airline magazine, except their prices of course would
be considerably higher.  (I've always wondered who ever ordered from those
things given the exceptionally high prices.)


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