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Re: If Linux came before Windows...

On Sun, 08 Jul 2007 12:54:00 +0000, Why Tea wrote:

> On Jul 8, 1:34 pm, ed <e...@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On Sun, 08 Jul 2007 08:01:38 -0000
>> Why Tea <ytl...@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> > On Jul 7, 9:14 pm, John Locke <johnlocke98...@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> > > On Sat, 07 Jul 2007 16:00:32 -0000, Why Tea <ytl...@xxxxxxxxx>
>> > > wrote:
>> > > >Will it be a different world today if Linux came before Windows?
>> > > >Will Linux be able to lead the PC revolution like Windows?
>> > > OS/2 came out about same time as Windows and it was a far superior
>> > > operating system. With advent of Windows 3.0 and the breakup of
>> > > Microsoft and IBM in 1990, OS/2 fell behind and Windows sky
>> > > rocketed to the desktops.
>> > > If there were a desktop Linux then, it probably would have suffered
>> > > the same fate. Its called marketing (some would say propaganda). No
>> > > other corporation in history has ever matched Microsoft in
>> > > retailing power. Windows was a crummy product, but it was the
>> > > grease for the Microsoft sales engine.
>> > Yes, many people (engineers, designers especially) have no idea of
>> > such a thing called MARKETING. A product doesn't become a product
>> > until you market it. Many good ideas came out of PARC but never
>> > became products.
>> > Everyone wants to cut down a tool poppy. Bill Gates is the tallest of
>> > all, so it's not hard to see why. Someone once said, you have to be
>> > good to be lucky. Gates must be doing something right to bring
>> > Windows to where it is today. While we don't agree with many things
>> > MS has done, we should still give credit when credit is due.
>> > Linux is at an advantageous position to compete with Windows to be
>> > the number one choice of desktop OS. For a start, Linux is free!
>> > Secondly, there is a target to shoot at. Why hasn't Linux done
>> > better?
>> Because GNU/Linux is constantly fighting FUD. Look at this newsgroup
>> for a start, everyone here is basically fighting in one direction or
>> another, it's just a constant waste of the GNU/Linux programmers time.
> You are right on the money. This newsgroup is more or less the microcosm
> of the Linux community. The in-fighting, the everyone-but- Linux-is-evil
> attitude, etc. is the Achilles heel of the community. Look at the
> flurries of distros, everyone is trying to outdo everyone else. Why
> don't they just channel their energies into making a few standardized
> distros, making them more user friendly and producing more useful
> applications, ...?

You proceed from a false assumption..."the everyone-but- Linux-is-evil 
attitude" is not the attitude of "the community"

As for the the number of distros, who are you to decide which distros are 
the TRUE distros?

As for user friendly.. you don't get much more user-friendly than Ubuntu
(s), Suse, PCLinuxOS, and many others.

As for producing more useful applications, there are word processors, 
spreadsheets, databases, networking apps, Internet access apps, graphics 
apps, video apps, audio apps.

I think you need to check your premises.


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