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Re: [Linux] Yet Another Linux-based Ultra-mobile PC Makes Its Debut

__/ [ John Bailo ] on Saturday 09 June 2007 21:13 \__

> dApUnkA wrote:
>>> Intel ditches Vista for its mid-range UMPCs
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | As if it wasn't hard enough for Microsoft, and hardware manufacturers
>>> | to convince consumers that we need another portable device, the choice
>>> | has now become a bit harder because Intel is going to choose to sell
>>> | its mid-range machines with Linux, instead of Windows Vista.
>>> `----
> http://forevergeek.com/news/intel_ditches_vista_for_its_mid-range_umpcs.php
>> Seems to me that Linux is becoming the de facto OS for mobile
>> platforms. Psion, embedded systems, now these things.

It is indeed becoming/already is the de facto standard for most devices and
embedded designs, based on articles that quote analysts and field

>> And I think the market for small portable devices has a lot of growth
>> in it.  They're fashionable and useful.

The modularity, compactness, and flexibility of Linux is muchly needed when
there are size, consumption and purpose limitation. No monolithic, rigid,
and uniform binary can ever thrive here.

> I really hope this spurs a movement to start ditching WinMedia standards
> and adopt at least Real streaming, if not Ogg, mpeg, etc al.

That will come too. People become more aware of these things when a
punishment-imposing technology (including formats) does its damage. How many
people are bound to lose their entire iTunes collection in years to come?

                ~~ Enjoying summertime

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Useless fact: Every polar bear is left-handed
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