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Re: Latest Linux convert: Laura DiDildo?

After takin' a swig o' grog, Roy Schestowitz belched out this bit o' wisdom:

> | Even recently, after admitting that a SCO victory in their case against
> | IBM seemed like an extreme longshot, Didio said, "There is a larger
> | issue, though: Even if the SCO case gets dismissed entirely, it does
> | not remove the copyright cloud hanging over Linux and open source." [2]

How so?  That was SCO's big gambit, and it failed miserably on all
fronts.  She's smoking crack.

There's no copyright issue anymore.

That's why MS is now bluffing with the patent card.  That's what they
should have done in the first place.  It would have been a bit more
effective back then.

Microsoft made a tactical error by using SCO/copyrights instead

Now people say "Microsoft patents?  Yawn, same shit, different day."

Tux rox!

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