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[News] [Linux] Linux Turned Into Music Editing Station, Fedora 7 Runs in RAM

Music 101: The Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring song recipe

,----[ Quote ]
| Recently I was asked to write a small article talking about some of 
| the tools related to audio in Mandriva Spring. 


Roll your own Fedora 7! (In RAM, yet!)

,----[ Quote ]
| Fedora 7 64-bit is how I'm posting this using the Scribefire/Performancing 
| extension in Firefox -- supposedly a 64-bit build, since I'm 
| running the 64-bit Fedora.
| I was startled when I saw the option of loading into RAM when I booted 
| off the 835 Mb DVD, and again surprised when the DVD was ejected after 
| being read into RAM.
| OMG, running it in RAM is so awesomely fast! This Sony VAIO notebook 
| has 2Gb RAM, a 2.0GHz Core Duo and an nVidia 7400 GPU. I'm very 
| impressed by how well hardware was recognized -- especially the 
| quick-scroll area up and down at the right side of the trackpad.


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