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Re: COLA Stats: Saturday the 2nd of June, 2007.

__/ [ John Locke ] on Sunday 03 June 2007 03:34 \__

> On Sat, 02 Jun 2007 18:17:38 +0200, Hadron Quark
> <hadronquark@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>Tim Smith <reply_in_group@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>>> In article <rig7j4-71j.ln1@xxxxxxxxxx>, "[H]omer" <spam@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> ngstats.pl version 1.22
>>>> Written by Roy Culley.
>>>> Contributions from Mark Kent.
>>>> Modifications by [H]omer, 2007.
>>> Roy said you could publish the code, so why don't you?  Don't you want
>>> people to be able to verify the accuracy of your stats?
>>Only a fool would believe anything from a closed source, hacked script
>>which is manipulated by known liars and delusional fools.
>>The double standards of these *liars* is amazing.
>>On one hand all SW should be "open", but on the other hand something
>>*they did some work on* will not be made "open".
>>It's embarrassing.
> Hey Hadron...I can't find you in the stats...is this a conspiracy ??

Real people make it into the stats. The rest goes to /dev/null . It speaks

                ~~ Enjoying summertime

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