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[News] Microsoft Magazine on "Crazy Ivan" (Microsoft)

The Crazy Ivan [Microsoft]

,----[ Quote ]
| Why is Microsoft cranking the rudder hard over? They aren't talking, but 
| I'm guessing it comes down to General Public License (GPL) version 3.
| GPLv3 is still in the formative stages, but it could prohibit mixed 
| marriages like the one between Microsoft and Novell. If GPLv3 
| happens, Microsoft's lever into the corporate Linux market could 
| get frozen. Novell (and by extension, Microsoft) will have to comply 
| with its terms to take advantage of component technologies developed 
| under the license. Unable to do that, Microsoft will be left with an 
| aging (and ultimately incompatible) flavor of Linux.


This isn't anything new. Microsoft wants to control Linux (it makes a lot of
money out of SUSE Linux). GPLv3 ends it.

Novell: Microsoft's Halo Only Stretches So Far

,----[ Quote ]
| In the two quarters since its hackles-raising deal with Microsoft was 
| signed in November, some 49,000 SUSE certificates have been activated. 
| They are worth $91 million. That's 38% of the five-year $240 million
| agreement, which has no cap. Microsoft could buy more.
| Unless of course the GPLv3 intervenes and the tentative grandfather 
| clause currently protecting the deal gets dropped.


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