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Re: Goose-stepping to Microsoft Windows

flatfish+++ <flatfish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Linux fails at far more website than Window ever has.....
> Try Disney for example.
> Turn a 16 year old loose with Linux and I can assure you that within the 
> hour you will be called to fix things.
> Doesn't happen with Windows.
> Sure does with Linux.

Funny, I've actually found the opposite to be true, and I've
enough relatives with teenage children to prove it.  Children
often have just the right mix of tech savvy and lack of
common sense to work around the safeguards, visit all the
wrong web sites, and completely thrash a Windows box with
malware.  This does not happen on Linux.

I know this because I've actually set up several computers
specifically for use by teenage children.  I was asked to
after the computers became unusable from malware/virus

One of those was REALLY bad.  It was infected with malware 
that had reconfigured Internet Explorer to load pornography as 
its default page.  Any attempt to change it and it would just
change back seconds later.  Try to remove IE and it would
be automatically reinstalled.  Even if you identified and
killed the malware program doing this, a companion process
would restart it (the Robin Hood and Friar Tuck technique).
The standard tools were unable to scan and fix this; I had to
boot from a live CD and do some serious hacking on the
system to get it healthy again.

I set them up with a firewall an Firefox instead of IE, but
the system was infected again a few months later (though not
as bad).  At that point I was ordered (not asked, ORDERED) to
install Linux on the system.

This all reminds me of that recent news story about the
librarian or teacher arrested for exposing children to
pornography because she turned on an infected Windows

Yeah, Windows is kid friendly alright... a little too
friendly.  Don't leave your children alone with it.


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