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Re: COLA Stats: Saturday the 2nd of June, 2007.

In article <8651232.JPs87FcIDV@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
 Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >> Roy said you could publish the code, so why don't you?  Don't you want
> >> people to be able to verify the accuracy of your stats?
> These repetitive posts of yours have become tedious. You are acting like a
> 5-year-old.

Does the same apply to your repetitive posts?

Suppose someone posted a claim about you, with no support.  You ask for 
support.  If they refuse to provide support, and then repost the claim, 
do you think you should no longer ask for them to support the claim?

The situation is particularly amusing with [H]omer, Culley, etc., 
because pretty much everything they've said about open source software 
vs. closed source software argues for them posting the source, if they 
actually believe what they've said.  But [H]omer is just a troll with no 
integrity, so he *can't* post the source, and every time he's asked and 
refuses, it makes him look worse and worse.

--Tim Smith

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