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Re: Linux has finally arrived.

After takin' a swig o' grog, Roy Schestowitz belched out this bit o' wisdom:

> __/ [ Linonut ] on Saturday 02 June 2007 04:25 \__
>> It will be mainstream when Office Depot offers machines with Linux on
>> them.
> We're getting there.
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | ...Office Depot, a leading global provider of office products and
> | services, will deliver Xandros' line of business and consumer Linux
> | desktop operating systems to the market.
> `----
> http://www.marketwire.com/mw/release_html_b1?release_id=239371&tsource=3

Actually, Office Depot used to sell RedHat.  Then they started selling
it at a relatively high price ($69?), then it disappeared.

Staples had a wider variety of Linuxen, but they, too, disappeared.

It's pretty hard to sell boxes of what you can download over broadband.

>> Apple isn't mainstream yet.
> Maintream isn't Apple yet. It's like a cult, rather than a pursuit for one's
> digital rights and freedom. Just look at all these 'unboxing videos'. It's
> like a ritual.

I remember one by "Petey" or some such.

Still, I felt much the same when I unboxed my case/PS, motherboard, hard
drive, and monitor recently <grin>.

Talk about your "Wow!", I'm having fun with this 64-bit Debian system,
in spite of a few initial kinks.

And managing a 32-bit chroot for those few apps, plugins, and
win32-specific codecs has turned out to be pretty simple.

I still have a lot to set up, though:  full proprietary-supporting
mplayer, the very latest 32-bit OpenOffice, an old version of Firefox
that works better with my time sheet, VMplayer, my library code....

Sandbox your Windows environment in a QEMU virtual machine.

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