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Re: [Not News; Ordinary; Typical] Old Windows kernel bug comes back to bite

__/ [ AB ] on Tuesday 13 March 2007 17:58 \__

> http://blogs.zdnet.com/security/?p=123
>    On October 22, 2004, Argentine hacker Cesar Cerrudo approached
>    Microsoft with the discovery of a Windows Kernel GDI local privilege
>    escalation vulnerability.  At the time, Cerrudo said Redmond's
>    security response team deemed it a "design problem" and filed it
>    away as something "to be fixed in a future service pack."
>    Late last year, during LMH's month of kernel bugs project, details
>    on this bug again surfaced with debugger information a note that it
>    remains unpatched after more than two years.
>    Now comes word from Immunity Inc.'s Dave Aitel that his research
>    team has written a reliable exploit that gives an attacker local
>    root access on Windows 2000 and Windows XP systems.  The exploit has
>    been released to Immunity's partner program, which offers up-to-the
>    minute information on new vulnerabilities and exploits to IDS
>    (intrusion detection companies) and larger penetrating testing
>    firms."Everyone now has local root, which is useful on pen tests,"
>    says Aitel.
>    Interestingly, the U.S. government's NVD (national vulnerability
>    database) gives this flaw a high severity rating ? CVSS 7.0 ? and
>    warns that it could be exploited to gain administrator access and
>    compromise the confidentiality of and integrity of data on Windows
>    2000 through 2000 SP4 and Windows XP through SP2.
> Don't fret Vista users. If this doesn't work for you now I'm sure MS
> will get around to patching the Vista kernel so it does work.
"Future Service Pack", they said. Will Windows XP ever see a real Service
Pack 3? It has already been delayed at least once (2008, IIRC). With Vista
having major issues, one wonders if the DRM-infected O/S will be forced upon
everyone as a future route. That would drive many businesses and homes to
Apple and GNU/Linux. A real dilemma here.


Microsoft's New Look in 2007

,----[ Quote ]
| Well, XP lasted five years, so a Vista world could very well be
| five to seven years from today, so that is a long time and a
| lot can happen to predict. But Microsoft basically proved that
| it was incapable of producing a new release. Nearly all of the
| goals of Vista were not achieved. They kept cutting back, kept
| cutting back, and so this is like -- Vista today is more like SP4.
|                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Microsoft admits Vista screwed - report 

,----[ Quote ]
| Vista SP1 is code named "Fiji", presumably after a pretty looking
| island which is paralysed by coups.
| In a statement regarding the service pack Microsoft admits that
| Vista has "high impact" problems.
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


,----[ Quote ]
| "Up to 60% of the code in the new consumer version of Microsoft new Vista
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| operating system is set to be rewritten as the Company 'scrambles' to fix
| internal problems a Microsoft insider has confirmed to SHN... Microsoft has
| also admitted that it has major problems in it's Windows division and has
| has immediately initiated a total restructure of the division..."


                ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz      | http://debian.org
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