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Re: [News] Open Source Consortium Goes Against BBC Over Microsoft Lockins

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Open sourcers wave handbags at BBC
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | "This action from the BBC effectively promotes one operating system
> | vendor at the expense of others," says OSC Chief Executive Iain
> | Roberts. "It is very disturbing that the BBC should be using
> | licence payers' money to affect the operating system market in
> | this way. Imagine if the BBC were to launch new digitial (sic)
> | channels, but only make them available on a certain make of
> | television - there would be uproar."
> `----
> http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=38183
You missed the important bit at the end of the article:


Perhaps the open saucers are forgetting that the BBC is a public service
broadcaster whose duty is to supply as many people as possible with a
service within a very tight budget. By using WMP as the basis of the
iPlayer, the Beeb will reach 90 per cent of the population with a single
player. It is unlikely that the lack of an iPlayer service for the UK's 15
Solaris users played much of a part in this particular business decision.

15 Users? That many???

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