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Re: Stocks Are Based On Confidence - Look Out MS!!!

__/ [ flyer ] on Tuesday 13 March 2007 06:38 \__

> Waning confidence will prompt dumping of stocks.
> If this is true, not only will everyone dump MS stocks, but the price
> will plummet.
> Redmond Willie ain't worried though -- he's already dumped his MS
> confidence scheme paper.
> Further, as confidence in MS dives even more, from where it has already
> sunken to, users will wonder where tech support will be in a year or
> several.
> Not that MS tech support is worth much in the first place of course. But
> it's always nice to know that MS is at least willing to put up a show of
> trying.
> As well, where will updates to all that dark code come from if they can
> only afford to hire Martian shrubs to code stuff.
> I don't know for sure, but I'm thinking here that it just might be a
> great idea to...uh...um...I've GOT IT.
> How about a vital worldwide effort of MODERN (not severely outdated
> garbage pile called MS Win) OS developement with a distribution for every
> kind of computing you could ever want.

There are many signs which show that they not only fight against Linux, but
also against Apple. Recently they have been using rant-to-rant Rob and
shill-for-Bill Laura DiDiot to control the press and produce 'studies',
respectively. Wait and watch. They can no longer compete quietly by just
producing good products. Their talented staff has left the building. They
can only try to preserve image and perception using pricey advertising,
bias, lies, and brainwash.

What was once a paranoid regime of terror and suppressive preactive action to
threats (Netscape, VMWare, etc.) has become frail. It has lost (anti)trust
as well.

                ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz      |   Apache: commercial software's days are numbered
http://Schestowitz.com  |  Open Prospects   ¦     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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