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Re: [News] A Story of "Open Source" Freeloaders

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Are you an open source user or joiner?
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | In my previous column, I touched on the issue of what constitutes
> | an open-source vendor. Ask Andy Astor that question, and his answer
> | is a shrug. "Honestly," he says, "who cares?" To Astor, there are
> | really two broad categories of companies with respect to their
> | relationship to open-source code. Some are users. Others are joiners.
> `----
> http://www.computerworld.com.au/index.php/id;1015874845;fp;4194304;fpid;1

I don't see what his problem is, there are users and they are contributers.
We can't expect everyone who comes into the Linux world to be a programmer
or writer of HOWTOs. The fact that we are attracting people who simply want
a computer that they can use for a purpose shows that we are doing it

I'm more that sort now, I rarely nip under the bonnet anymore, just
occasional scripts or snippets of code, but always to do with what I am
working on, after a system is set up to my liking I hardly ever go into
root. Of cause I have to do more of that at work, but I mean in my own
personal use of computers. 

That side used to be the side I enjoyed the most, but now I would rather
just use the computer. Let others with fresh minds take us to the next
levels, young programmers tend to come in with a mix of good and bad ideas,
as we used to do, but out of those some turn into brillient ideas. It's
their turn and I for one am happy to let them get on with it. We don't
really want anymore static years waiting for the Elephant to come out with
something new, Linux can move a lot faster than MS can, no need to wait for
MS to catch up either, we can shoot ahead. 

So all you up and coming computer techs, what ever your field in computers,
let your hair down, take a sip of sugar free coke or what ever it is
students drink these days, and put your ideas into motion.

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