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Re: [News] Bright Financial Outlook for Red Hat and Linux

__/ [ BearItAll ] on Thursday 29 March 2007 13:58 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> | A lack of Oracle swagger about Linux wins suggests good news for
>> | Red Hat, so I'd be surprised to see the company falling short of
>> | its own guidance this time. But the proof is in the pudding hat.
>> `----
> Whether he is right or wrong is irrelevant, but he gave away the fact that
> he's a jerno. I'm not a lover of jernos.
> The Redhat contracts have been signed for one, two and three years,
> Redhatters IT folk will not be concidering change of contract until those
> run out. They won't be an immediate dash to a Redhat alternative. It will
> be staggered, in drips and drabs over three years.
> In the meantime Oracle can be standing around at the Linux shows, in the
> Linux mags and other such places. By the time the contracts come up for
> renewal a company that has a history in Linux, even if folk are not certain
> what that history is, can be concidered for no other reason than they are
> by now a familiar name.

Earlier today, Oracle unleashed a bunch of press releases (or a variation of
the same one). These expressed customer satisfaction in the form of
testimonials and then called for new customers to join Oracle's Unbreakable
Linux support program.

Since Oracle joined OIN, which is shocking to many (they even defend Open
Source rivals in this way, e.g. MySQL AB), maybe they can become a decent
member, like IBM. Their predatory entrance into the market (with anti-RH FUD
and hostile takeovers) is still showing their true colours. Let's see what
happens now that Shai "Linux is a bunch of people with baseball bats" Agassi
has left SAP. Oracle hates SAP, whom it fights fiercely. With less
anti-Linux fuel, maybe Ellison can learn to live in a different environment.
I reckon they might even open-source Oracle's database and charge for
support within a few years. MySQL and EnterpriseDB (PostgreSQL) are

                ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "I think I think, therefore I think I am"
http://Schestowitz.com  | Free as in Free Beer ¦  PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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