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Re: COLA Stats: Saturday the 24th of March, 2007.

__/ [ Doug Mentohl ] on Saturday 24 March 2007 15:19 \__

> Mark Kent wrote:
>>> Doug Mentohl <doug_mentohl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> (For all his hard work OCR'ing the Comes Vs Microsoft documents.)
>> I have to support this one strongly - a good job and very well done, I
>> should say.  It will be useful for this information to disseminate
>> across usenet and be archived in the usual places.
> There's nothing stopping anyone else doing it ..

I think you're the only person doing it systematically. Others have just
shelved it. Let all the boot lickers in these E-mails find themselves in the
index, along with some very unflattering material (and I'm not talking about
the typos, which result from fast correspondence).

                ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    X-No-Archive: No. Stand behind what you say
http://Schestowitz.com  |  GNU is Not UNIX  |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
roy      pts/3                         Sat Mar 24 08:07 - 08:07  (00:00)    
      http://iuron.com - proposing a non-profit search engine

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