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Re: [News] Linux Release Cycles Get It Right

In article <587281163.sQxWEIsax8@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, 
newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx says...
> Be it resolved: release and revise is the way to go
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Be it resolved that the most effective IT development strategies for
> | systems in which some level of error is considered tolerable depend on
> | having users test prototypes and are best implemented through the
> | "release early, release often" strategy pioneered at UCB for the BSD
> | Unix releases and later honed for the internet age by Linus Torvalds
> | et al.
> `----
> http://blogs.zdnet.com/Murphy/?p=821
> Even Microsoft recently decided to adopt the same method, admitting it got it
> wrong. It seems unlikely, however, that it;ll be able to do so with such a
> monolithic O/S. Also yesterday:
> Kernel Space: paravirt_ops considered harmful?
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | As more virtualization support enters stock Linux, kernel developers
> | debate the standards that will let old kernels run as guests of new ones. 
> `----
> http://www.linuxworld.com/news/2007/032007-kernel.html?fsrc=rss-linux-news

Win has become an Earthbound Black Hole which not only sucks everything 
nearby into it, but simply sucks.

Joke aside, it's become a vast mind boggling maze which no one can 
understand at all. 

Make a great spooky SiFi movie -- Into The WinHole.

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