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[News] [Linux] Professional Software Keeps Bending the Linux Way

Linux Version of eFrontier Anime Studio 5 Pro Released

,----[ Quote ]
| Animation software for digital artists, students, educators
| and professionals now available for Linux

CYAN Networks to deliver new carrier grade Web Filtering solution under Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| CYAN Networks based in Vienna delivers the first and only carrier grade
| Web Filtering solution under Linux. 


Cooperation between MSC Vertriebs GmbH and ELTEC Elektronik AG:Real-Time
Linux for the COM Express Platform

,----[ Quote ]
| An increased security of the customer owned know-how and
| intellectual property of the MSC platform is achieved,
| preventing copying, modification, and cloning - even in
| conjunction with the open operating system Linux.


UI testing becomes easy with Frankenstein

,----[ Quote ]
| A UI development framework that is part of the JAVA development kit
| and works across major platforms (like Windows, Solaris, Macintosh
| and Linux); JAVA Swing contains all the basic building blocks to
| develop a UI. The end-product is essentially rich client
| applications built with Swing that has components such asb
| uttons, check boxes, trees, tables etc.


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