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[News] [Rival] Windows Vista Still Gets Bad Publicity for Being Broken

The Vista Experiment is over. Conclusion: Choose Life.

,----[ Quote ]
| Getting a new PC ? Working out your corporate strategy for the
| next five years ? Avoid Vista. Get XP. Get Linux. Get a Mac.
| Because, sure as hell, you wont waste as much time as I did
| trying to get it to work.


New 'Get a Mac' Ads Mock Vista Again and Again

,----[ Quote ]
| The best of a new crop posted Monday night is "Choose a Vista," 
| which features John "PC" Hodgman spinning a game wheel to select a
| version of Vista. Cries of "Big Operating System! Big Operating
| System! Daddy needs an upgrade!" Will stay with me for a long time.


Here is another moronic prompt from Vista (screenshot):


Here's the effect on our lives:


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