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Re: [News] [Linux] Demand is Growing for GNU/Linux Skills, Certifications

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Certification on the upswing again
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | After several years of decline, the demand for certification and
> | training in GNU/Linux and other free software areas is stronger than
> | ever. That's the general opinion of experts in the field, as they
> | discuss where certification has been, current course offerings, customer
> | services, and trends for the future.
> | 
> | [...]
> | 
> | With all this activity and interest in the future, there is little
> | doubt that, as Lacey says, "We are seeing an up-pick in certification
> | and the funding sources of open source coming back." Few others in
> | the industry would argue. Clearly, the certification market is
> | expanding, and is poised for even more growth in the coming years.
> `----
> http://enterprise.linux.com/article.pl?sid=07/04/26/2029245&from=rss

I have often fancied getting certified for Linux, I have quallifications but
none of them have the word Linux on them. But when I have looked at those
courses online they look very basic and the thought of spending a few
months studying commandline syntax or how to connect to a network, well my
boredom nerves twitch and I just can't bring myself to sign up to a few
months of dullosity.

Then of cause there is the point of what is the quallification worth if no
one who reads my CV has ever heard of it.

I can even do it for free, this company would pay, we have a budget for
this, plus there's a tax refund that goes with it. A week or so in London
in a nice hotel would be nice. Is there a sigh colly gist here who could
get me past the boredom aspect of sitting through lessons on learning how
to write a profile script or create a user? I also concidered doing a corse
on english language, but I can't see any use for that.

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