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[News] [Rival] Microsoft Misses the Real Boat -- Portable Devices & Servers

Hey Microsoft, forget MIX, focus on Mobiles     

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has to work hard with device makers to bring the prices down
| to $100-a-pop range, and see its market share zoom. Microsoft's
| relevance (and more importantly future profits) in these new
| mobile societies are going to come from mobiles, not PCs.


The desktop (in the traditional sense) is losing its role.


Study: U.S. game console ownership rising rapidly

,----[ Quote ]
| Meanwhile, a study from market research firm IDC projects a sunny
| outlook for Nintendo's Wii console, a device that has capitalized
| on the growing demand for Internet-enabled game console features.
| The Wii features Opera browser functionality, and a handful of
| third-party Internet companies have been optimizing their
| products for it.


After the Desktop -- What?

,----[ Quote ]
| I would suggest that the open source community should stop obsessing
| with the battle for the desktop, and start focusing on the battle for
| the platform that will replace it. As I have said before, the day
| will soon come when the notion of having to go to a particular 
| machine on a particular room every time you need access to
| information or computer power will be as obsolete as the notion
| of having to go to the hand pump over the well in the front
| yard every time you need water.


PLAYSTATION®3 (with Linux)

,----[ Quote ]
| # Game OS + Yellow Dog Linux pre-installed.
| # Yellow Dog Linux DVD package, Guide to Installation, sticker, & flippy.
| # 20GB or 60GB drive.
| # Cell processor with 256MB RAM on-board (no expansion).
| # Gigabit ethernet.
| # Dual USB.
| # Compact Flash, Memory Stick, and SD-RAM card slots.
| # Blueray DVD.               ( <--- worth the cost for that one alone )
| ...


Fujistu Siemens chief predicts the empty desktop

,----[ Quote ]
| Joseph Reger told journalists at CeBIT that virtualised client
| PC environments which could be carried on small devices were
| likely to take a big bite out of traditional client PCs.


SMS Servers Replacing PCs in India

,----[ Quote ]
| The SMS servers are being used to power an MSR project designed
| to test replacing PCs with SMS servers in the village of Warana
| (map). Mobile phones are used by farmers to access their data.
| In their system mobile phones become the client and SMS is used
| to communicate with the server.


Mobile phone shipments neared 1 billion in 2006

,----[ Quote ]
| Record U.S. sales and exploding ultra-low-cost markets in
| India helped worldwide mobile phone shipments to end users
| grow 21 percent, to reach 990.8 million in 2006, according
| to Gartner.


After the Desktop -- What?

,----[ Quote ]
| I would suggest that the open source community should stop obsessing
| with the battle for the desktop, and start focusing on the battle for
| the platform that will replace it. As I have said before, the day
| will soon come when the notion of having to go to a particular 
| machine on a particular room every time you need access to
| information or computer power will be as obsolete as the notion
| of having to go to the hand pump over the well in the front
| yard every time you need water.


Linux expected to be leading Smartphone OS market by 2010

,----[ Quote ]
| I just came across this research by Diffusion Group, which found
| that Linux is set to become the leading Smartphone OS by 2010.


FEATURE: Mobile Linux: Why it will become the dominant mobile OS

,----[ Quote ]
| I see the mobile Linux wave out in the ocean and am sounding the
| alarm--the mobile Linux tide is rising. Be prepared.


Linux Growth Accelerates with Server Shipments in 4th QTR 2006

,----[ Quote ]
| Unit shipment growth was flat (0.0% growth) year over year in 4Q06, the
| tenth consecutive quarter of slowing overall shipment growth...
| After two consecutive quarters of single-digit revenue growth, Linux
| server revenue growth accelerated once again, growing 15.3% to $1.8
| billion when compared with 4Q05.


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