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Re: Microsoft Office Annoyances

After takin' a swig o' grog, [H]omer belched out this bit o' wisdom:

> Here's the original thread, in which Mike Easter has to explain RFC
> standards to one of the (then) Outlook developers:
> <snip>
> <more, different source:>
> | What I can't figure out is why MS insists that it should be so darn
> | difficult to extract the *full un-modified source* of a message! It
> | gets harder and harder to do with each version.
> |
> | ...
> |
> | Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP): "Because Outlook itself (unlike OE)
> | never uses the MIME source and it would be a waste of space to
> | store both the original data and the MAPI properties created by
> | parsing the MIME message. And if a message is sent between two
> | Exchange mailboxes, a mesage would never even be converted to the
> | MIME format."
> |
> | ...
> |
> | coastaldata: "Interesting... If I understand correctly, you're
> | saying that the original message source is not saved?
> |
> | Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP): "Correct, this is exactly what I am
> | saying - the original MIME source is not normally saved because
> | that would bring no benefits to an end user and will at least
> | double the size of the message. And no user will appreciate that.
> | There is a registry entry that will force Outlook to save the
> | complete source, but it is only used by debug purposes and is not
> | set out of the box. Outlook does save the *headers* portion of the
> | MIME message in the PR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS property. You can
> | of course re-create a MIME message from a MAPI message, but while
> | it will look exactly the same to an end user, on the binary level,
> | it will not be exactly the same as the original message."
> So Microsoft thinks it is acceptable to arbitrarily alter users'
> personal data, break standards, deliberately create non-interoperable
> protocols for no justifiable reason, and then dismiss any criticisms out
> of hand with arrogant statements.
> MAPI is a disease ... as is Microsoft.

They're Microsoft.  They're the de facto standard, right Greg?

I like the part about saving space.  Absolute silliness given today's

Perhaps Microsoft, being burned by the DOJ, thinks it is best to ...
cough cough ... redact the messages?

Trust your programmers.  Let them play.

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