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Re: [News] [OSS] Open Source Storage Hits the Headlines Again

"[H]omer" <spam@xxxxxxx> writes:

> Verily I say unto thee, that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>> __/ [ [H]omer ] on Monday 21 May 2007 20:50 \__
>>> Verily I say unto thee, that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>>>> http://news.yahoo.com/s/infoworld/20070521/tc_infoworld/88663
>>> Sounds like a cross between BitTorrent and Jigdo.
>>> Interesting, I suppose, but I'd be wary of having my personal data
>>> spread out across the planet, in little chunks.
>> What if it's encrypted?
> Encryption can be broken, passwords can be found with rainbow tables
> or

Typical "wise words" from a COLA lord. And of course, way of the mark in
this instance.

> guessed with brute force attacks, etc. If that data is here, and not
> on

Thats the rhetoric out of the way. Yawn.

> some remote server, at least I know who has access to it (i.e. nobody
> but me). I just couldn't trust some stranger to keep my sensitive data
> secure on a remote server.

Secure? Did you read the article? Do you see why its there?

If your data is split up all over the place having first been encrypted
then its almost impossible to crack. They would need the entire file or
most of it to even begin to decrypt it.

And I hate to tell you this Omer, but Public key encryption is pretty
damn secure.

> For non-sensitive data it's fine I suppose, but then most of that kind
> of data that I have tends to be multimedia files spanning several
> hundred Gigabytes. I wouldn't fancy chucking that around an 8Mbps (with
> a 4.5Mbps average) connection, especially with only 256kbps upload
> rates.

Its also fine for secure data. Or will be.

I cannot see average users bothering with windows machines once they
realise what they can do with a PS3. : Mark Kent, COLA Rottweiler and Optimist.

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