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Re: "Open Source Industry Australia: Microsoft Admits Patent Weakness"

__/ [ Richard Rasker ] on Monday 21 May 2007 10:37 \__

> These guys are pretty smart, and have come up with one of the clearest
> analyses on MS' patent FUD so far:
> "We've tried to work it out, but their reasoning is lost on us," said OSIA
> director Brendan Scott. "They're worried the patents will be invalid, so
> they're not disclosing them. In the next breath they say its fair for
> everyone else to pay them for the same patents. You'd have to be a bit of
> a dope wouldn't you?"

Don't forget that proprietary software startups are affected as well.
Microsoft is making enemies on all fronts and there are some articles now
which have hints of /regret/. Not only have they annoyed more people than
they scare, but then came this...

,----[ Quote ]
| I don't know which lawyer wrote the vouchers, but I'm guessing
| somewhere in Redmond, there is a lawyer beating his head against
| the wall right about now. 


                ~~ Best regards

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