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Re: [News] Mandriva Laptops Impress (and Back on Nigeria's Agenda)

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> And the Nigerian government chose Windows [It didn't] why?
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | That’s precisely what Nigeria did. Having used the Classmate with
> | Mandriva installed, I simply can’t find any flaws in the system that
> | would lead to such a switch. No deficiencies compared to Windows, no
> | performance problems, no installation problems, nothing. Mandriva just
> | works in this setting and works well. No wonder François Bancilhon was
> | angry.
> `----
> http://education.zdnet.com/?p=1338


Mandriva 2008 "just works" in lots of settings.  I chose it for my desktop
after getting tired of Gentoo updates running over 12 hours at a clip; and
needing TLC due to many ~x86 packages.  Don't get me wrong, I love Gentoo,
but the updates can be tedious on a six-year old box.  The Mandriva One
livecd works perfectly with all six of my family's desktops , some older,
some fairly recent, with eye-candy and wireless (4 different chipsets)
enabled out of the box sans hassle.  I'll be taking that CD along on road
trips from now on.

My two boys (7 and 9 years old) have their own desktops, each with PCLinuxOS
(Mandriva derivative) and a dual-boot to Windows for the CD games that
don't run under wine.  The PCLinuxOS boxen each run squid/dansguardian
filtering with weekly blacklist updates, to shield them from access to
age-inappropriate sites.  The $70/year for weekly blacklist updates is a

Networking on the Windows side is verboten.  They've been on this setup for
about a year, and haven't booted into Windows in months.  Timmy likes
sudoku, and spends a lot of time playing ksudoku when he's not online. 
Matthew prefers SuperTux.  They don't need Windows.

Oh, and quality?  A recent update to PCLinuxOS upgraded 338 packages on one
of the boxes.  This included replacement of beryl with compiz-fusion and a
kernel upgrade.  After restarting X (when prompted; no hacking required),
desktop reappeared as before, no fuss, no muss.  Total time to upgrade: 25
minutes.  The machine was later rebooted to activate the new kernel; no
issues there, either.  Everything worked, everything works.  On two

Who needs Windows?

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