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Re: Watch a Microsoft Paid-for Apologist in Action

____/ TONY TROMBOLI on Sunday 18 November 2007 22:17 : \____

> "Tim Smith" <reply_in_group@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> news:13k1di0i9cilv64@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> On 2007-11-18, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Now watch Rick's reply. Who is Rick? He calls himself "independent", but
>>> Microsoft silently paid him to edit Wikipedia in Microsoft's favour.
>>> Microsoft
>> Nice misrepresentation of what actually happened.  First of all, there
>> was nothing silent.  When he received the offer, he blogged about it.
>> Second, it wasn't to edit the article in their favor.  It was to take a
>> look at the article, and fix anything he found wrong with it.

Rick = Tim. Isn't that a classic? One Microsoft shill defending another. If
y'all stick together, maybe nobody will notice and it'll be like a sockpuppet

>> As to "Who is Rick", you can read about his extensive contribution to
>> open standards here:
>>    <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rick_Jelliffe>

Was Rick compensated (by Microsoft) for the time it took him to edit this page
as well? It's the likes of Rick and Microsoft that totally ruin Wikipedia.
> Translation - Rick Jelliffe has done more for interoperability and the
> advancement of open standards than Roy Schestowitz ever will. It's no
> wonder Roy is jealous of him.

No, I'm actually disgusted by Rick and Microsoft, who think that making a
mockery out of the ISO on behalf of Bill&Steve's pockets is acceptable.
Microsoft's criminal activities in the run-up for ISO are well recorded. They
*ARE* recorded and they shall be used as future reference.

> Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (Win32)
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> tuP+z6mr/21cWImsQwlufZ0=
> =Cz9l

*LOL* Scotty, that's not how an electronic signature works. Stop changing


                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Useless fact: 12345679 x 8 = 98765432
http://Schestowitz.com  |     GNU/Linux     |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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