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Re: Roy's new technique for burying his head in the sand.

Roy Schestowitz schreef:
> Thanks for the support, Marti. You needn't bother feeding those two trolls
> (Gary and Scott). You're just playing their game. They provoke and you
> respond. The more you respond, the longer they'll be around spewing their
> insecurities out onto COLA, in the form of slander and derogatory comments
> against others.

Yes Roy, in general I agree with you, but some way or the other I feel I
have to protect both you and me. He spews lies around, but the worst of
all is that he includes you into his drivel.

I just feel guilty about the fact that he includes you into his crusade
against me. It's not your fault, but you became a victim, which really
pisses me off.

> They know they are worthless. If they can convince themselves that others have
> problems, they think that they will *feel* less worthless, but they do the
> very opposite.

Agreed, I'll do my best to ignore the POS.


|_|0|_| Marti T. van Lin
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